Thursday, September 8, 2016

He likewise gives a point by point take a gander at Leonardo Da Vinci's ordinance

history channel documentary He likewise gives a point by point take a gander at Leonardo Da Vinci's ordinance and a group drawn by Vitruvius, a Greek architect 1600 years prior, which showed the making for goodness' sake and the levels of awareness that people have been in and are going to. How all things in nature took after these examples of creation with utilizing the Fibonacci arrangement as there aide. How the geometric proportions that are in our bodies are recreated in nature, in the proportions of the pyramids in Egypt, the earth, the moon, the circles of the planets, in all things. Loads of quite immense ideas however stunning left brained stuff.

Drunvalo additionally gets into the production of the three frameworks of human awareness. The principal matrix or first measurement being the primal network or native lattice. The second is the duality network of which we now utilize despite the fact that their are still local societies that utilization the primary matrix as their viewpoint on being. The duality framework's geometry is male situated which is the explanation behind the male strength of our societies all through our written history. The third framework is the Christ matrix or solidarity network which is an adjusted lattice of male and female impacts or just put brought together. That is the place we are going.

The primal awareness has confidence in the idea of unity with all things. This makes it a symphonious framework, in concordance with all things. The duality lattice is disharmonic. Where the predominant conviction is separateness. This cognizance breeds wars and annihilation which has been a typical topic all through our history. Where we can't see the connectedness for goodness' sake. This viewpoint makes it disharmonic. The third matrix or Christ lattice is the place humankind comes back to the ideas of solidarity, collaboration, all inclusive adoration. Comes back to a consonant presence. Having the learning of our oneness.Anyone who knows music realizes that firsts and thirds are consonant. These portrayals of every matrix are not judgmental, only a clarification of properties of every level of awareness. This is an immense theme in itself yet this article is sufficiently long as it is so I will abandon it there.

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