Thursday, August 18, 2016

Religions are so perplexed of losing their paying clients,

history channel documentary science Religions are so perplexed of losing their paying clients, that they make a decent attempt when they are alive to keep them set up (by FEAR strategies), ie dangers of damantaion in the event that they meander and with enchanted ceremonies when they die.The Egyptians were extremely effective in bringing back incredible souls into the Egyptian overlay at the end of the day. This is the thing that the mummies were about. By keeping the physical body safeguarded, the spirit would come searching for it again.But, similar to I said, in the end we will all break free from the servitude of formal religions and development to higher conditions of wisdom.How numerous lifetimes will it take?????Now that we have the Laws of Quantum Physics to help us and the Energy in the Quantum Ocean, we can begin splitting ceaselessly now. We can make our own particular Heaven (forgetting Hell unless you need to return as a Christian once more.)

Begin constructing a nitche for yourself in the unbounded space of the Quantum Ocean. A spot where you will go while you anticipate your next "squinting out" (reincarnation.)Let me give you a case of what I am making. I won't let you know precisely on the grounds that I truly don't need any organization with the exception of those I choose.There are a considerable number of journalists, scholars, healers and masterminds who cherished down through the ages. I have chosen twelve or so of them who I especially appreciate perusing and concentrating on about.I went to the web (another awesome endowment of the Age of Aquarius) and printed out as much data about them as I required. I additionally printed out a photograph, or print of each of them.

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