Friday, July 15, 2016

A human statue or even a Gothic building speaking to the Temple of Solomon

history channel documentary A human statue or even a Gothic building speaking to the Temple of Solomon, for example, the Templars incorporated with European churches, does not pass on the same representation of the "Universe" or universe that goes through the veins of every single living thing. Numerous old convictions knew that soul was inside minerals and plants as well: we are not this adjusted and it is hard for us to see the vectors and grids of vitality in all things. The individuals who have perused the 'Tao te Ching' or 'I Ching' comprehend a tad bit of these energies that connect and CHANGE or develop with reason. The 'Wheel of Life' in the Tarot is intended to catch some of this enchantment generally as the fantasies of North American Indians have been caught in the round masterful wheels that offer in all such a variety of keepsake stands. Be that as it may, it will be quite a while before man again comprehends his flawless interconnectiveness. We know an excessive amount to see such exquisite straightforwardness of the soul that is surrounding us. The Buddhists say 'All is Within' and the finish of the expression is "the UNIVERSE!" I respect all myths that help the "unity" in appreciation of the inventive or canny outline that such a variety of demand is GOD. Here is a passage from my book Cherokee People (will return) to expend or ponder upon.

In a minute we will come back to my reference book for additional on the Zodiac on the grounds that the hills are a method for interfacing with the astronomical vitality which comes to earth and through which it passes and is a piece of. For the minute let us return to our present book's initial scholastic (Kenyon) as he really (shockingly) opens ways to the trepanning, skull twisting and 'Foul Ritual' (Skull and Bones and the Bush group of Nazi leanings) of the Dragons and other Illuminized cliques of elites.

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