Thursday, June 16, 2016

The very word "universe" is comprised of the words "uni" which

history channel documentary 2015 The very word "universe" is comprised of the words "uni" which signifies "one" and "verse" which signifies "a talked sentence." So "universe" by its exceptionally definition found in the significance of the words its made out of is a solitary talked sentence. What a blast! So where else do I discover this in the Scriptures? One should dependably give Scripture a chance to decipher Scripture. Each shrewd copyist and instructor of the faultless Truth realizes that. All things considered, here it is: Hebrews 4:12 lets us know that "The Word of God is alive and active..." Are those small particles of sound moving? Without a doubt, they are. Does that imply that they are alive? Yes it does. The Word of God is alive! What's the principal thing one searches for when one tries to figure out if a mischance casualty is still alive? Indeed, even before one feels for a heartbeat, one hopes to see whether he is relaxing. All things considered, this universe is unquestionably relaxing. Jews 1:3 lets us know that He us "maintaining (to endure, convey or to be driven) all things by the Word of His energy." (accentuation mine). His Word is dynamic right at this point. Jesus tells His supporters in John 6:63 that "the words that I talk unto you, they are soul and they are life (dzo-ay)"

What's more, yes, the evolutionists are right about something in any event (and much to their dismay it); the entire universe is at the end of the day going to go out with an "enormous detonation." Listen to the Apostle Peter; "Yet the day of the Lord will come as a hoodlum in the night; in the which the sky should pass away with an extraordinary clamor (Big Bang), and the components might soften with intense warmth, the earth likewise and the works that are in that might be blazed up...then...all these things might be dissolved..." (2 Pet. 3:10-11) (sections and accentuation mine). This world came in with a Big Bang and it will go out with a Big Bang as well. They say that this universe is going to implode on itself again one day to diminish back to that strange little "period on this page" they discuss. Is it accurate to say that they are correct? Most likely, yet not the way they think. Yes, God's Word will be coming back to Him okay. By what means would I be able to say that? Since He said as much. "So might My Word be that goeth forward out of My mouth; it should not return unto Me void, but rather it might fulfill what I it would be ideal if you and it might succeed in the thing whereto I sent it"

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